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Thank you 🙏 to all VOLUNTEERS...May God richly bless you. May the Lord be gracious to you and may God stay in your presence and protect you from evil. In Jesus Precious name we pray. (VGH) volunteers are reaching out to our most vulnerable, helping where they need it most. (the streets and homeless shelters). 
Truth is, this crisis (homelessness) is far from over. The need continues to be tremendous – but so, too, is the light and love of Jesus.  
 VGH outreach ministry of Hope 
(We know Faith can move mountains)


There’s no way we could have anticipated a year like 2020 or 2021.  In 2022, (VGH) ministry of Hope will continue to work together to overcome the challenges presented by the pandemic. We don’t know what else this year (2022) has in store. However, VGH knows one thing for sure: Volunteers Give Hope will keep serving our communities. (Lord willing). please donate and/or volunteer, for our next outreach: 

 Saturday September 3rd, 2022


With much gratitude,


  (VGH) outreach ministry of Hope 

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Dear (VGH) Volunteers’


As the efforts to contain the COVID-19 outbreak continue, we at (VGH ) outreach ministry of Hope - pray that you and your family are safe and healthy. Despite the impact this pandemic has also left on this ministry, (VGH) volunteers outreach ministry is determined to help to relieve some of the effects to extending a helping hand to the homeless. (VGH) will continue to deliver emergency CAREpack supplies along with bible tracts. to our most vulnerable. 

Thank you and Please continue to partner with us. 

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Volunteers' Give Hope

Why Read This Mini Story?

(VGH) Outreach ministry lending a  Helping Hand:

Founded in 2018,  (VGH)  Volunteers’ Give  Hope  outreach ministry has  been working hard with the  help of volunteers’  in helping individuals  in our Camden, NJ  area.  Our work is  dedicated to delivering immediate  emergency supplies  and  CAREPacks, as  we  strive  to inspire and improve  the  lives  of those  who need immediate  assistance  along with prayer. This  story began  (as an outreach trip) and blossomed into a God driven ministry (in Jesus name) and a mini-story book was born due  to the  author’s intense  fascination with Jesus  and lending a  helping hand to those  in need.  This book matters  because  it’s  inspiring and motivational. It’s  great  to see  there  are people  out  there  who care.  The  benefits the  reader will  get  from  reading this  book are  communal.  

  *  After reading this  book  (VGH) challenges you to be  kind, thoughtful, compassionate, respectful and loving towards our most vulnerable population.

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‘be the change you want to see in the world’

For outreach attendees—information on the coronavirus

The CDC recommends you safeguard yourself and others by taking the following precautions: cover your nose and mouth with a face mask and use a tissue when you sneeze or cough; use your hand sanitizer and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; If you’re sick, avoid contact with others so that you don’t spread the infection (be mindful of other people).   Show your compassion to our most vulnerable people. God has provided the way for us to receive His forgiveness. (His Son Jesus).  Our hope and belief is in Jesus. His faithful love endures forever. 

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Get to Know Jesus

There's much you can do — from donations, to volunteering, to prayers, to just offering respect — to make a homeless person's life a little bit better. 

(Photo: on-site Camden NJ)

•  ‘Even if you just change one life, you’ve changed the world forever.’ _________

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(VGH) outreach ministry of Hope, during 

coronavirus, COVID-19 (2022)

Our Mission Statement: 

(VGH) outreach ministry of Hope is dedicated to serving the homeless where they live, on the streets, in abandoned buildings, alleys, empty lots, homeless shelters and other places where the homeless congregate.  

Our purpose is to provide food and clothing to those in need with an awareness of the heart. We are a direct service ministry of volunteers who believe in the dignity of the individual and strive to enhance the lives of those we serve as well as those who serve.  We believe in God’s healing power. 

A special aspect of (VGH) outreach ministry of Hope is that we physically take CAREPacks to the homeless, where they live. 

Face to face evangelism is our mission. 

We answer our calling, with purpose and intent in trying times bringing hope, peace, CAREPacks and the love of Jesus to those in need. 

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Faith Can Move Mountains

VOLUNTEERS’ (VGH)  are G.I.V.E.R.S of HOPE.....

G.   Grow in well-being

 I.   Increase sense of purpose, making a difference in the world. 

V.   Volunteers give their time.

E.   Ease and Effort in-getting the job done.

R.   Restore appreciation and

S.   Socially unite our community 

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VOLUNTEERS’ (VGH):  next Outreach Mission to Camden, NJ is: 

Saturday September 3rd, 2022

*   Labor Day weekend is Coming soon - 

we meet & car pool:

Buckingham Park Willingboro, NJ

       * hungry tummies 

(VGH) outreach ministry of Hope  - we pray you’ll help us supply food and prayer along with Hope to our homeless neighbors struggling with hungry tummies. 

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About Our Story

Community in Worship

To serve the orphans, the widows and the homeless.......the lost, the abandoned, and the forgotten. Volunteers’ (VGH) outreach ministry of Hope extends a life line of prayer, along with immediate need of supplies in the city of Camden, NJ.  * Together we can accomplish our assignment from God.

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Hello, hope all is well......answer the call!

If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.                                                                        James1: 26-27 (NLT)

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(VGH) seeks to revolutionize the way society approaches homelessness.  (VGH) help in many different capacities:

 volunteering to run outreach events, i.e. 5k’s ministering to all people, directly contributing support to the homeless, and severing food and the Good News of Jesus our Savior.  We have opportunities for individuals and as well as groups of volunteers to evangelize.

  (VGH) outreach ministry of Hope:    where we give hope, compassion and the Good News of the gospel. 

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           Your donations bring supplies and hope to the forgotten people who live in the streets right in our backyards and bring a brighter future for a better tomorrow.

Thank you for your partnership in volunteering

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Supplies needed for over 140 

homeless people, 

to feed with prayer, hope and food........

Prepared sandwiches * 

Cookies/hot sandwiches 


Cold sandwiches 

Apple juice individual travel size 

Granola bars

Pudding packs 

Peanut butter travel size 

Canned vegetables 

Canned beans

* Bibles 




Menstrual pads/tampons  

Towels/hand towels/face towels 


Shoes * coats * blankets *pants

* volunteer your time*

* Donations (Not Acceptable)

 to give to the homeless are:

  • Anything Dirty

  • Anything Damp

  • Anything with bad odor

  • Any rancid food 

  • Alcohol 

  • Drugs 

  • Cigarettes 

  • Money 

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          (VGH) Outreach 

     On-site COVID-19 Regulations: 

       *   (VGH) volunteers’       

Must wear face masks and PPE at all times while on site. (An absolute must)

              Do not give    


  • Do not give out bus tickets/train tickets/Uber fare.

  • Do not lend out cell phones.

  • Do not give out personal cell number. 

  • Dress appropriately for 

    (VGH) -outreach missions. 

  • Wear proper shoes/sneakers 

  • Ask for permission before touching people 

  • Always ask if you can pray with the person.

  • No smoking or using profanity during (VGH) outreach mission. 

  • Give compassion & love. 

  • Stay alert. 

  • Give respect 

  • Give Hope. 

Good people with profound insight..............learn more about your role in bringing people to Christ. 

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Volunteers’ Give Hope 

(VGH) outreach ministry of Hope services:

@JHOC shelter 

555 Atlantic Avenue 

Camden NJ 08103

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022


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